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Sustainability News, June 2021

Sustainability has been a hot topic for a number of years, manufacturers have been working hard to build this into products, materials and supply chains to minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources.  

There is however another step to be taken; circular economics or joining the circular economy. In its most simple form, the circular economy is where manufacturers find ways to use materials and goods for much longer, creating more than one product lifecycle.  This may mean a shift in business models to service-based rather than product-based. Instead of selling the processing and packaging equipment to the end-user, it is instead leased and could be returned for refurbishment or replaced and the old unit resold under a new service-based agreement.

So while sustainability has changed the way we use our planet’s resources, the circular economy has the power not only to increase sustainable practices but also create new business models that deliver increased profits. Find out how sustainability and the circular economy can impact your business at AUSPACK 2022.In the meantime see what’s happening in sustainability news below.

What's happening in processing?

What the sustainability movement means for the processing equipment industry

What the sustainability movement means for the processing equipment industry

With new regulations around plastic packaging and single-use plastics being implemented, it begs the question: how will these changes impact the current packaging and processing industry?

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ANZPAC Plastic Pact sets ambitious 2025 targets

ANZPAC Plastic Pact sets ambitious 2025 targets

With 60 founding members, the ANZPAC Plastics Pact promises to unite the plastic supply chain to achieve ambitious 2025 targets to eliminate plastic waste. The cross-regional program will ensure its members work towards four actionable targets by 2025.

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What's happening in packaging?

Telstra leads with 2022 packaging pledge

Telstra leads with 2022 packaging pledge

Telstra has announced a raft of new commitments to manage its resources more efficiently, including a promise to use only renewable or recycled materials in branded packaging by the end of next year.

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Nestlé Australia uses recyclable paper packaging for Smarties

Nestlé Australia uses recyclable paper packaging for Smarties

Nestlé has switched its world-famous Smarties confectionary brand to a recyclable paper packaging solution in Australia.

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