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Keynote Presentation: CSR and the Real World

19 May 2022

Corporate Social Responsibility comes in many forms, from carbon footprint, fairtrade and modern slavery to company culture, diversity and inclusion.

CSR has gone well beyond a feel good box ticking exercise and has moved into the realms of essential business strategy for ALL organisations, B2B, B2C, large or small and wherever you sit in the supply chain. Not only do your CSR policies allow your business to enact positive change, they grow your customer loyalty, trust and your bottom line.

  • Is your CSR policy as good as it gets? How does your organisation better meet society’s expectations, and go from having good intentions to meaningfully delivering on them?
  • Does your organisation have an intention delivery gap?
  • How can a strategic CSR policy hit the sweet spot of social and environmental impact as well as profit?
  • How do you measure the value of CSR in tangible returns that make sense to all stakeholders: employees, customers, partners and shareholders?