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Keynote Presentation: Sustainable Ecommerce – what’s your organisation’s share in a $62 billion market value opportunity?

19 May 2022

The market for ecommerce goods has changed drastically over the last decade - expounded in the last 3 years by the COVID-19 pandemic – and is expected to grow to a $61.55 billion dollar market value by 2025. From operations to packaging, the demand for sustainable solutions across all aspects of the supply chain has grown alongside it. What initiatives can your organisation harness to grow and scale as part of the new eCommerce economy?

  • Have you maximised your organisation’s growth opportunity and share of the sustainable Ecommerce market, wherever you are in the supply chain?
  • How does packaging impact your customers’ experience and have you overlooked this for functionality?
  • What would your organisation need to change to support the next five years of growth – from warehouses, freight, technology and data to inventory?