Would you like to hold a team or client meeting during APPEX 2024? APPEX 2024 has a number of rooms available free of charge during the show. These are open to all APPEX 2024 exhibitors and visitors that are purchasers of machinery and packaging products. These are not available for non - exhibiting suppliers. Meeting Room Requirements: - 1 booking per day per company. - Maximum 2 hours per booking. - Boardroom style with a maximum of 12 pax per room. - Do not remove any furniture from the meeting room. - Please keep and leave the Meeting Room clean, tidy and undamaged and do not leave rubbish or other belongings in the room. - If you wish to connect your laptop to the available screen you will need to provide connection cables. Please complete the form below to request a meeting room at APPEX 2024. * First Name * Last Name * Company * Phone * Email * Please select how many people will attend- Select -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 * Please select your preferred day to book a meeting roomSunday 10th March 2024Monday 11th March 2024Tuesday 12th March 2024Wednesday 13th March 2024Thursday 14th March 2024Friday 15th March 2024This field is required. * Please select your prefer time to book a meeting room10:00am - 12:00pm12:30pm - 2:30pm3:00pm - 5:00pmThis field is required. * Please select the reason for booking a meeting room belowTeam MeetingClient Meeting/sPresentationOther * Please specify This field is required. Submit